Last Day of School

                 PHEW!!!!! It's a miracle we got to this last day of school-even more of a miracle that I am blogging about the last day of school before summer is over!!!! But I have a few mins to spare these days and just wanted to share whats going on in this mind of mine. Everyday, for the past 180 school days, we have woken up, faced the day, attended school, practices, meets out of town, tournaments out of town and in town, school basketball games volleyball games, dance recitals, track and field events, cross country, the list can go on and get the the picture. And while doing this all, somehow we squeezed in some holidays, grounded a few kids here and there, taken away the cell phone, shut down wireless services, met with counselors, tutors, and coaches, about something or someone and made a few doctor visits in between for everything under the sun-that's another post-I mean the things that you can have these days!! Anyways, it's a weird phenomena, this whole parenting thing. While I do not consider myself a pro or anywhere near mastering the art of raising a child, let alone four, I do find it interesting in my circle of mom-friends how we all think no one else is going through what we are going through, but when we start sharing our stories, isn't funny how we are all going through the same thing? I have four kids...16, 14, soon to be 13, and 11. Each are so uniquely different, (don't they seem angelic in the picture above?) but yet all the same. How could I have one child who doesn't care about school and another with such a motivation to conquer the world, she stresses herself out to be perfect! I mean they are being raised in the very same household! Oh the age old see it everyday. You are probably reading this and nodding your head in agreement-or maybe you're not and you think I am a little bit psycho...I have been told that by a couple of professionals. But I digress, in a world of perfect families on social media and award winning kids all over the schools in our district, one may wonder what am I doing wrong? But in fact, even though your child may have failed math their freshman year (sharing for a friend), or they don't clean their rooms, or never have received aka lades for their grades-even in elementary, and they are happy with a 2.1 GPA-yes I am that parent that has had to accept that GPA as an educator!- they are still waking up every day-some reluctantly- and facing the world-dirty socks and all-they are doing it! I need to remember that my family is not perfect-I mean I cannot forget it because I am slapped in the face with it every morning as I am yelling to wake-up, brush your teeth, don't forget your lunch, take your meds, don't forget your clariton, why didn't anyone take out the trash last night?, empty the dishwasher already, soak your retainers, wake up!!!!!!- kinda morning, which I am sure none of you experience. We are still experiencing this during summer as I am working summer-great idea-and a few are attending summer school-each for different motivational purposes-yet again, another post on that at a later time. This life is hard, but making some memories along the way that will last a lifetime...not a day goes by that I don't pray for these kids to just make it in life! While others hope for big name universities and highly respected professions for their children, I am simply praying some graduate high school and can make it on their own! Just remember, somehow they will all turn out alright...I have to believe that or else, I will be a lot psycho-not just a little bit! Hope my life makes you feel better about yours! LOL


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