The Mall

Today I ventured out to the mall with all 4 children and for the first time NO STROLLER was needed. This was just heartbreaking and I had no where to put my drink or all their drinks or their pretzels! I had no where to put our shopping bags and we had to carry everything! We stayed at the mall for 4 hours! Some of you might say I am so not smart to do something like this, why? do this do yourself. And at one moment today I thought the same thing. I wish I snapped this picture that I think might stay with me mentally for years to come. Picture it, Mall 2011, Love Culture is calling my name (hadn't been there yet). Shopping in this crazy environment with four crazy children. Zoe is walking around whining loudly how she wants to buy her someting...Niko is jumping up and down to see how loud he can make his flip flops sound, Loukas is crawling under the clothes to hide, and Athena is just too tired to do much but look completely lost and run into the million racks stacked so closely together! I should of left by now, but I had to try on these sparkly heels. Which then led to Niko trying some on as well and Zoe still whining I need to buy her someting. I should have left now, but no I spotted a couple dresses I feel should be tried on with all four children. So I yell over the loud music and gather them into this tiny dressing room. They all insist on coming inside. I am naked trying on dresses and I look down into four faces covered in cinnamon and sugar, red tongues from the strawberry lemonade they are sharing and fighting over loudly and splatting everywhere on the white walls of the dressing room. And I am trying to look at myself wondering if this dress makes me look fat! I just stopped and giggled to myself and cherished this most ridiculous idea I had of spending the day shopping at the mall. I should of left but I didn't. I tried on 10 more dresses at Macy's and purchased shoes from there too. We went on to meet Greg Townsend from the Raiders at the Raider store, back-to-school shopping at the GAP, and see's candy stop, and three bathroom runs. Yes, four hours at the mall today with no stroller. The kids and I had a blast laughing the whole day! A memory that will not soon be forgotten! Go to the mall today...I dare you! HA!


Sara said…
Nina- you are brave and crazy! I love this story- but I cannot imagine doing that without a stroller (I'm all about strapping kids in and of course- snacks!). Great memories though... :)
Unknown said…
Nina, I love that there are other psychos like me. I do act more like a Wal Mart mom when I take everyone out for hours. Just today it happened after church. I came home with goods I wanted and a skinnygirl margarita. All is well! Ellie's exact quote today, "Those are for babies and you don't have any!" She is right. I love babies and I love big kiddos. Embrace the crazy friend.Go, go, go!
Holly said…
Ha! Ha! Ha! I have SO been there!!! Good for you for being brave and embracing this time in your life... chaos and all! The kids will love you for it ;) Thanks for making me smile. Loved this!
Danny Riddell said…
Ha ha! That certainly sounds pretty hectic and, at the same time, a ton of fun! As long as you keep an eye on your kids, shopping trips to the mall can be a pretty lively and enjoyable activity.

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