Last Day of School
PHEW!!!!! It's a miracle we got to this last day of school-even more of a miracle that I am blogging about the last day of school before summer is over!!!! But I have a few mins to spare these days and just wanted to share whats going on in this mind of mine. Everyday, for the past 180 school days, we have woken up, faced the day, attended school, practices, meets out of town, tournaments out of town and in town, school basketball games volleyball games, dance recitals, track and field events, cross country, the list can go on and get the the picture. And while doing this all, somehow we squeezed in some holidays, grounded a few kids here and there, taken away the cell phone, shut down wireless services, met with counselors, tutors, and coaches, about something or someone and made a few doctor visits in between for everything under the sun-that's another post-I mean the things that you can have these days!! Anyway...