Look at this picture of Stella. Look at her raw, pure, joy over finally having a baby to call her own. After ten years of trying, crying, and praying for her own little baby to love, God blessed her with this bundle of joy called Sophie. Here, on a 35mm camera which took the old fashioned film, a moment of intoxicating bliss was captured and forever missed. You can rob me of my money, my car, and my house, even my identity, but to rob me of myself is something so abominable. Mom, oh how I wish you could be celebrating with us today your bundle of joy. You have been robbed of something so precious that we all wish we could give back to you. Today, almost 38 years ago, we are intoxicated with this bliss you had in this moment as we celebrate this lady you have raised to be so amazing. I love you mom...and I hope you feel it when I hug you, when I lay on you and hold your fragile body frame. This is how I will forever hold you in my heart, even though we don't get to see it on your face anymore. Happy Birthday would have taken you out to La Boulangerie today and spoiled you with anything your heart desired.