Summer...has come and gone with these four smiling faces. And though I wish I could say they were all smiles all summer like the ones captured in this photo, I would be lying! There were moments of pure joy, no doubt, but many moments when school couldn't come quicker! And as a mom who got to practically stay home with her babies the past 7 years, this mama had to go back to work this year. So when a job came around, like it or not, it was mine. So summer to me ended much quicker than I would've liked. So reminiscing on these crazy, lazy, long summer afternoons is actually quite enjoyable right now. Ah, the long lazy days, with children fighting with each other, never enough food in the kitchen, clothes scattered all over the patio from endless 24/7 swimming, and the endless amounts of loads filled with towels...why do I long for those days right now? One could only say because those days sound a lot better than up and at 5:30, get yourself dressed professionally, get four kids dressed, fed, back packs packed, lunches packed, campus club drop off at 7:00am, work 7:30-3:30 across town, schedule the hubs to pick up kids at 3:15, car pool to gymnastics at 4:00, dance for another at 4:30, soccer for one at 6:00 and another at 7:00, and don't forget you have your own school back to school that same night!'s true! I did that, do that, will continue to do that for the next 180 school days, plus the weekend schedules of out of town gymnastics meets, and soccer games for three and cross country-don't forget the added school sport added to every 4th grader's lifetime of events! Is anyone gasping for air? Or applauding? Or nodding their heads in agreement of their lives heading in the same direction!!! And yes, we the fabulous mothers of 2013 have signed up FOR. IT. ALL. We would have it no other least in Clovis Unified, there is no other option! Good luck to all my mamas out there with full time jobs outside of their house, their CEO roles in their families, and the many lives they have to be in charge of beyond their own! And cheers to hands on dads...I could not, would not, do this alone!!!! Go 2013-2014 school year!