10 years with Johnny Jones

Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary. I cannot believe 10 years has passed. Being married to Johnny Jones has been the best 10 years of my life. We met on September 1st 2000 and were engaged on January 1st 2001 and married on June 23, 2001. We sold his first home, lived with my parents for 6 months, built a home of our own, sold a car, traded in a car, bought two cars, had 4 children, got laid off, had thyroid removed, took care of mom daily, lost his father, done Disneyland one too many times, done Vegas not enough times, crashed car in garage too many times, balanced the checkbook monthly (are we going to live on that?), laughed and cried, and loved. I truly married my best friend. We have gone through so much in these pass 10 years and I wouldn't re-do a thing! I love you John Jones, a little more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. Thank you for loving me, thinking I am as beautiful as the day you married me, gave me my four babies, my Louie:), my life and so many memories! I look forward to the rest of our lives as we experience the unknown together. I hope I get to be with you, both mentally and physically for a very long time! I am so blessed to have you as my husband. Love you, babe!


Thanks for the tears :) I Love this... you are such an inspiration! I love reading about how love and effort into a relationship allows us to endure all that life throws at us. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story!

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