Hashtag is taking over the world since the social media...and if you are in your 30's, okay 40, you remember this symbol (#) as the pound key. So I guess you can say everyone is now pounding (#lolololol) I digress, since the take over of this ever popular way to share status and post and follow a certain topic, you either love it or hate it. Well, I am one of those who don't mind it, but when it comes to my classroom and trying to reach 160 7th graders full of energy, conflicts, personalities of every kind, raging hormones, and a lot of attitude, you will try anything to reach this generation of hashtaggers! So into my classroom we go...hashtags have entered the building. But not as a distraction, but as a tool to get students to use their knowledge of literature in their short responses. Yes, #ididit #ifounditonteacherpayteachers #traceeormanisagenious. If you have not heard of Tracee Orman, you need to! Here is her website,
Tracee Orman's Classroom