Party Time!

I have been having so much fun lately being able to do parties at The Court at Carmel Kids. Here are some of the pictures of all the fun times we are creating. Love being able to create labels and candy buffets for little people and their mommies! I don't know who is enjoying it more! Hope you enjoy the pictures. They were all taken by Kimberly Renee Photography!


How sweet It is said…
I seriously want to have a Barbie themed 25th Birthday so cute!
The "J" Crew said…
I'm all over it! Let's do it and all your friends can wear the gumball necklaces and it can be their favor!!! LOL
The eye candy is amazing. I'm glad I popped over here to answer the question you left on my blog. You asked what kind of printer I have. It's an HP Photosmart C7280 All-in-One. I heart it so much. :) Thank you for your comment!
The "J" Crew said…
I love you Controlling my Chaos!!! What an honor to have you comment on my blog!! I heart you!!!!

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